Tuesday, May 18, 2010

12th Annual Haitian Compas Festival Bayfront Park

The strength of the Haitian people, a culture rich in both pride and in history, resilient through trials and tribulations in the pursuit of freedom from all forms of oppression. The countries flag is a reminder of the on going journey of Haiti. Created May 18, 1803, no other symbol comes close in evoking emotions of pride, and joy, reminding Haitian's everywhere of where they have been, and where it is destined for their nation to go.

The festive South Florida Haitian community remained dormant in the months following the earthquake, the people have been in pain, the pain will not soon subside yet they are propelled forward united to bring life back to their culture through the healing powers of the arts.

For months after the tragic event Haitians have grieved as the world looked on. Now, the world must see that although the earth shook claiming many lives it did not nor could it ever claim the spirit of the Haitian people. That spirit came alive as thousands gathered at Bayfront Park Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the 12th Annual Haitian Compas Festival,beckoned by the beating of the conga drum, the strumming of the guitars and the syncopated rhythms of the keyboards as Compa bands T-Vice, Carimi, Kreyol La, Djakout Mizik, Zenglen, Mikaben, Disip, and many others took to the stage. Met by the new school of Haitian American artist like Black Dada and many others. The crowd went wild singing word for word of Black Dada's hit single "I'm a Zoe"

"We've seen the worst and felt the pain. Cloudy weather filled with rain, yet United we stand, divided we fall."A sea of blue and red flooded the park, as participants raised and swung their flags with pride.

L'Union Fait La Force "Strength through Unity" since 1807 it has been the saying of the Haitian people that united as a people we are strong. It was the strength of the people that helped them become the first free black nation. It was the strength of the people that helped them overcome dictatorships, poverty, and floods, and it is the strength of the people that will help rebuild Haiti "La Perle des Antilles" after the tragic earthquake of January 12, 2010.

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