Monday, May 17, 2010

Young Jeezy & Street Dreamz Foundation Proves Hard Work Pays Off

Young Jeezy with kids celebrating results of CRCT

In a scene reminiscent of Joe Clark & Lean On Me, Young Jeezy's Street Dreamz Foundations and LightHouse Printed up T-Shirts Proclaiming that the CRCT "Cant Stop me!"; in preparation for the State Mandated CRCT.

Young Jeezy Surprises Mother's of students

In celebration of the kids passing Young Jeezy rented out the Metrolanes Skate & Bowling Center to treat the kids not only to fun and games and as proof that hard work does pay off. A few of the parents were also rewarded when Young Jeezy surprised them by helping with their expenses.
Mother overcome with emotion during celebration of the students passing scores

Young Jeezy arrives to Metrolanes


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